segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012

Batedeira nova + cupcake de morango

Selena Gomez spent her Monday morning in an L.A. hospital emergency room ... but fear not, she's gonna be fine ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the singer tell us ... Selena has been suffering from a sore throat lately ... and this morning she thought she might have strep, so she decided seek immediate medical attention.

We're told Selena had been suffering from symptoms yesterday ... and had to end a recording session early due to the pain.

Also, Selena's stepfather has been suffering from bronchitis, and she thinks she may have been exposed to something contagious.

But sources tell us ... so far, docs don't believe Selena has strep ... though the tests won't come back for a couple of days.

As we reported, Selena went partying with (maybe) boyfriend Justin Bieber last night. No word on how his throat is feeling this morning.

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Selena Gomez spent her Monday morning in an L.A. hospital emergency room ... but fear not, she's gonna be fine ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the singer tell us ... Selena has been suffering from a sore throat lately ... and this morning she thought she might have strep, so she decided seek immediate medical attention.

We're told Selena had been suffering from symptoms yesterday ... and had to end a recording session early due to the pain.

Also, Selena's stepfather has been suffering from bronchitis, and she thinks she may have been exposed to something contagious.

But sources tell us ... so far, docs don't believe Selena has strep ... though the tests won't come back for a couple of days.

As we reported, Selena went partying with (maybe) boyfriend Justin Bieber last night. No word on how his throat is feeling this morning.

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Selena Gomez spent her Monday morning in an L.A. hospital emergency room ... but fear not, she's gonna be fine ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the singer tell us ... Selena has been suffering from a sore throat lately ... and this morning she thought she might have strep, so she decided seek immediate medical attention.

We're told Selena had been suffering from symptoms yesterday ... and had to end a recording session early due to the pain.

Also, Selena's stepfather has been suffering from bronchitis, and she thinks she may have been exposed to something contagious.

But sources tell us ... so far, docs don't believe Selena has strep ... though the tests won't come back for a couple of days.

As we reported, Selena went partying with (maybe) boyfriend Justin Bieber last night. No word on how his throat is feeling this morning.

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Sou completamente apaixonada por coisas antigas, que carregam consigo uma historia. Em uma viajem que incluia os brechós da vida minha tia achou essa belezura, uma batedeira dos anos 70, vermelha e ainda funcionando, fiquei doida e pedi pra comprar na hora. Para inaugurar fiz uma receita que eu sou simplismente amante: CUPCAKE.
  São uma das coisas mais fofas do mundo, um bolo com cobertura e recheio em uma forminha de papel, meus parabens ao genio que inventou o CUPCAKE. A receita a seguir é um cupcake de morango com amendoim e chantilly
Você vai precisar de:
3 ovos
2 xicaras de farinha de trigo
2/3 de xicara de leite
2 colheres de margarina
1 xicara de açucar 
1/2 colher de chá de fermento
forminhas de papel
forminhas de aluminio 
Mão na massa:
1°-Bata o açúcar com a margarina.

Selena Gomez spent her Monday morning in an L.A. hospital emergency room ... but fear not, she's gonna be fine ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the singer tell us ... Selena has been suffering from a sore throat lately ... and this morning she thought she might have strep, so she decided seek immediate medical attention.

We're told Selena had been suffering from symptoms yesterday ... and had to end a recording session early due to the pain.

Also, Selena's stepfather has been suffering from bronchitis, and she thinks she may have been exposed to something contagious.

But sources tell us ... so far, docs don't believe Selena has strep ... though the tests won't come back for a couple of days.

As we reported, Selena went partying with (maybe) boyfriend Justin Bieber last night. No word on how his throat is feeling this morning.

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2°-Acrescente os ovos, alterne entre a farinha e o leite

3°-Coloque o fermento.
4°-Desligue a batedeira e acrescente o morango, misture com uma colher ou espátula

5°- Coloque as formas de papel dentro da de aluminio.

6°-Coloque a massa deixando um espaço até a borda.

7°- Asse(a temperatura varia de acordo com o forno, no meu é 260° durante 15 minutos aproximadamente)
8°- Enquanto assa, bata o chantilly que tem que estar muito gelado.
9°-Retire do forno e deixe esfriar.MUITO IMPORTANTE ELE ESTAR FRIO PARA COBRIR, pois a cobertura pode derreter e virar uma lambança.
10°-Passe um pouco de chantilly e cubra com amendoim e para finalizar faça um espiral com o saco de confeiteiro.

 P.S.: Pode-se acrescentar umas gotas de essencia de baunilha no chantilly antes de bater.
P.S.2: O chantilly pode ser substituido por brigadeiro junto com uma massa de chocolate e o amendoim por granulado.

                                                                                                                      beijos de brigadeiro

2 comentários:

  1. Tudo Muito Lindo e delicioso!

  2. Que Lindo Dora! Amei a batedeira nova, cada dia seu blog fica ainda melhor. T.a.
